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From Greek and Latin to English and Beyond

Knowing a bit of Ancient Greek or Classical Latin might not get you a job, but it can make you really annoying at parties. If you haven’t had the pleasure of studying either of these languages, Lexical Roots is here to help you on that journey. It is my wish for you to take on so much knowledge that you can’t help but foist it upon friends and strangers at every opportunity.

Not a trained Classicist? You probably already know more of these languages than you realize. Let’s identify what you already understand, so that we can take that knowledge and apply it to other words.

You’ll soon have the building blocks to decipher words and phrases you have never heard before. This can be to your great advantage as you encounter new words in your daily routine or as you deal with people who use big words to show off.

As we learn the origins of words, we won’t need to limit ourselves to Greek and Latin. We’ll also tease apart the meaning of Italian, Spanish, German, French and maybe even Russian words.

Some articles published here will build on previous articles, so starting at the beginning and working your way through in order may be your best bet. However, if you’d rather read them in whatever order suits you best, you’re quite welcome to do so.

Let’s have some fun with words and we’ll see how much mileage we can get out of just a little bit of new knowledge.